Thursday, January 29, 2009

Investment Advice for the Day:

It's more important now than ever before, to stash as much as you can into ROTH IRAs because in a few short years, let alone when it's time to retire, inflation and taxes are going to be through the ROOF.

If your company offers a ROTH 401k plan.......DO IT! Even if you just put it in bonds or a guaranteed income fund for now. And don't worry about the "tax break" you get putting it in a regular 401k. Trust's not worth saving a couple hundred dollars in taxes now.
Just DO IT!

If you don't have a ROTH 401k option, open a regular ROTH and max it out. Again, let it sit in cash if you want. Or maybe a nice gold fund.

Seriously. No, seriously. You'll thank me 10 or 20 years from now for the free advice...........

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