Friday, February 20, 2009


I thought the Democrats tried to convince everyone that the Republicans never brought up having any oversight of Fannie and Freddie.


Kyle Is Neat said...

I e-mailed this to Kirk:
I'm not sure when people are going to wake up and through all the idiots out. We have been raped by government corruption and incompetence. We have been raped by corporate thieves. Isn't it nice to know that my son Andrew and your son Jack are going to be paying for your neighbor's ATV's and big-screen TVs??

Why do I even bother paying my mortgage? Who's going to give me some stimulus?

I don't even know where to start!! Actually, I do. #1 thing is we need to start putting these idiots in Washington in jail (Dodd & Frank are the top of the list). If you think Madoff is bad, he doesn't hold a candle to the rampant corruption our government pulls on a daily basis. The government has real power...

Then we need to go after the corporate thieves.

stockstalker said...

Yep! Makes me ill watching Dodd or Frank spewing criticism of bank CEOs and taking zero responsibility and still sitting on these same committees directly involved in the mess we have today.

And the losses go further than just home and job losses, there are billions lost in the market affecting not only people our age but those who are or soon to be retired. I'm SO glad I moved half of Kirk's 401k to bonds/treasuries 5 or 6 months ago. We're only down 20% while the market is down 50%.

They are all theives.